Content Collections

AstroVerse-Content Collections

Content collections are the best way to manage and author content in any Astro project. Collections help to organize your documents, validate your frontmatter, and provide automatic TypeScript type-safety for all of your content.

What are Content Collections?

A content collection is any top-level directory inside the reserved src/content project directory, such as src/content/newsletter and src/content/authors. Only content collections are allowed inside the src/content directory. This directory cannot be used for anything else.

A collection entry is any piece of content stored inside of your content collection directory. Entries can use content authoring formats including Markdown (.md) and MDX (.mdx using the MDX integration) or as data formats including YAML (.yaml) and JSON (.json). We recommend using a consistent naming scheme (lower-case, dashes instead of spaces) for your files to make it easier to find and organize your content, but this is not required. You can also exclude entries from being built by prefixing the filename with an underscore (_).

Publish on 2023-09-02,Update on 2024-07-15